Market Tidings

Market Tidings is international portal of independent news and insights from different sources and perspectives brought by investors and experts on the front line.
  • PHP
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • From scratch
  • MySQL
  • RWD
  • Drupal
  • Workbench Moderation
  • OAuth2
  • DFP Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook API
  • Pinterest API
  • Memcached
  • Drupal 9

About Project

WebCodin led a Market Tidings project through a full cycle of development phases from the initial requirements reviewing and researching to the latest version of project prototype. The project based on Drupal 7 core with additional contribute/custom modules integration.

Market Tidings is online high-traffic platform bringing individual investors unique news and insights. The main idea and purpose of the the Market Tidings project platform is to expose corruption or share news without fear of being exposed and to get the straight stories without any government influence or public relations opinion.

Market Tidings ensures that users receive a wide array of independent perspectives including real stories, investing ideas and analysis on daily basis. The platform grant users and contributors with the certain level of anonymity should they choose so. Generally website functions as a combination of news portal and social network.

The implementation process was divided by WebCodin into several sprints during which the range of web development services such as architecture and core modules development, UI/UX design, HTML/CSS coding, testing, bugfixing, deploying, SRS composing and project management services have been provided. The main functionality and features of Market Tidings platform include mail system, moderation workflow, displaying featured article, articles, blocks with custom comments, voting and social sharing systems, view and comments counter, advertising and account management system, article moderation and user login/registration. Users can submit posts as an anonym persons so the appropriate functionality and action flow were developed and implemented. Since the Market Tidings platform is high-load and multi-user system there was a need of speed optimization and memcached integration that was successfully tested and delivered.

Key Features

Market Tidings is high-load and multi-user platform bringing individual investors unique news and insights without any government influence or public relations opinion.

  • Social Engine

    Market Tidings functions as a combination of news portal and social network with the number of likes, comments and views of the post displaying and sharing options.
  • Anonymity

    The platform can grant users and contributors with the certain level of anonymity should they choose so for post submitting with appropriate functionality and action flow.
  • Sort & Filter

    Users have the possibility to search for posts using advanced sort & filter parameters such as date, author, number of likes, comments or views and others.
  • Moderation & Management

    Admins can moderate any of the contributors posts which they submit, choose featured article, manage advertisements and accounts.

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Market Tidings